Imagine traditional wood flooring bearing the marks of character and
style but which benefits from the advanced finishing techniques on the market
today. Hand scraped flooring is an asset to any solid wood type and looks great
in all types of homes. Both lovers of minimalist and traditional design enjoy
the authenticity and bespoke qualities of a hand scraped floor.
The difference between hand scraped
and distressed wood floors
The basic difference between the two is that hand scraped wood is
exactly as it says: wood floor sanding company which has been marked and scored by hand in order to
achieve a traditional and time worn appearance. A ‘distressed’ floor is one
that has been subjected to similar treatment but by a machine. As one might
expect the distressed floor option is by far the most cost effective and less
labour intensive than the traditional hand scraping method.
Since both of these finishes will indeed last for many, many years with
only basic maintenance and cleaning required, it may be worthwhile to opt for
the hand scraped method or, if you are an artisan yourself, you might try doing
it yourself. It has to be said though that by choosing a wood floor specialist
to do this work their innate artistry and skill can transform naturally
occurring holes, whorls and other distinctive markings into superb features of
the wood.
Hand scraping can be done as a light, medium or heavy finishing and this
work can be carried out on a floor that has already been laid. That means it is
never too late to choose a hand scraped look for your floor, and you can change
your mind whenever you want to.
If the floor is new then homeowners do have the choice of selecting a
hand scraped veneer prior to the floor being laid. This type of pre-finished
hand scraped work, generally known as ‘hand rubbed’ and is amongst the most
costly options for solid wood flooring. However the up side has to be that you
will never have to replace your floor again in your lifetime. In addition wood
treated in this way will be unaffected by changes in temperature and will not
be subjected to shrinkage or expansion.
Why choose hand scraped?

Hand scraped solid wood flooring is probably the oldest style of wood flooring sanding services there is and is currently enjoying a well-deserved resurgence in
popularity. Modelled on a style that was first developed in the days before
machinery, hand scraped wood has an intrinsic beauty and style which cannot be
reproduced using any other method. Oddly enough the hand scraping method was
used initially to try to smooth the wood to a uniform level of smoothness and
to iron out irregularities. Today the same hand scraped method is used to
produce the opposite effect.
Most hand scraped floors have a ‘recycled’ look about them when
finished, and as such fit nicely into today’s homes and look great in both
modern and traditional settings.
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